Brandon Flowers prepares new album + releases new single, ‘I Still Want You’

Brandon Flowers is making a comeback people! The Killers frontman is ready to release his second solo album entitled The Desired Effect due out on May 18th. Following up 2010’s Flamingo, it seems like this new record might have a…

Jon’s Movie Review: “Kill Me Three Times” is Tedious Overkill

Including comedic tones in violent films is not all that uncommon. When done correctly, even the most gruesome, gory death can illicit mass guffaws. It all depends on stylization and timing. It also requires an intricately woven story to balance…

The Problem with Game of Thrones

I love the world of Game of Thrones, whether in the books or television I’m instantly entranced the moment I sink into it. It’s a remarkably built world that’s rich in character, settings, and dialogue. It’s also been able to…

Jon’s Movie Review: “Desert Dancer” Is Rythmic, But Predictable

Dance has always been a force for expression and storytelling. When done correctly, it can tell stories that would otherwise take hours to verbally describe. Oppressive governments fear the openness of expression dancing and other individualistic art forms provide, and…

Interview: Nicholas Sparks, Britt Robertson, and Scott Eastwood on the ‘The Longest Ride’

I sat down with Britt Robertson, Scott Eastwood, and Nicholas Sparks to talk about their upcoming film, The Longest Ride. This is Nicholas Sparks’ tenth film adaptation. Tenth! You might be thinking this story will most likely consist of the…

Meet the Children of Infamous Disney Villains in Disney Channel’s Original Movie ‘Descendants’

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if some of Disney’s most iconic villains had children of their own?  Well, Disney Channel is going to explore this idea with their upcoming original movie entitled Descendants. The musical adventure…

TV Review: Daredevil (1X01) “Into the Ring”

“Beware those Murdoch boys; they’ve got the devil in them.” I was never very well acquainted with the Daredevil character. Any bits of information I’d gained had been through the internet over time. I never even saw Ben Affleck’s take…