The Flash Review 3×15 “The Wrath of Savitar”

Welcome back to my weekly recaps of The Flash. To read previous coverage, go here. One will betray you.  But who? Apologies again. Such was the case with my Supergirl coverage, life caused me to fall completely behind in my television viewing.…

From the Record Crate: Television – “Marquee Moon” (1977)

Television’s Marquee Moon, now 40 years old and as forward-thinking as ever, is a record that is unassuming in its ability to change a person’s perceptions of rock music. Speaking from personal experience, hearing it for the first time was…

TV Review: The 100 4×02 “Heavy Lies the Crown”

If anything, beyond the relationships that keep our eyes glued to the screens, The 100 is about choices and, more often than not, the nearly impossible choices people in leadership positions must make for their people, for good or bad. We’ve seen…

TV Review: The Flash 3×12 “Untouchable”

Welcome back to my weekly recaps of The Flash. To read previous coverage, go here.  Despite the fact that quite a bit happened in terms of character development in this weeks episode, more than anything it felt as if The Flash was…

TV Review: The 100 4×01 “Echoes”

“What do we do now Princess?”  “We survive.” The 100 has always enjoyed boasting the fact that they (like a similarly death obsessed show Game of Thrones) refuse to ensure the safety of any of their characters, no matter their ranking or…

TV Review: The Flash 3×11 “Dead or Alive”

Welcome back to my weekly recaps of The Flash. To read previous coverage, go here.  Despite the episode trying to do too much over the course of the episode and only just managing to tell a complete story with one…

The Ten Best Episodes of The 100

Following a rather controversial season three, The 100 is back this week for it’s fourth season where all hope seems to have been lost about societies survival as Clarke learned in season three’s finale that earth is a nuclear bubble ready to…