TV Review: The Flash 3×10 “Borrowing Problems from the Future”

Welcome back to my weekly recaps of The Flash. To read previous coverage, go here.  So The Flash came back tonight and I have thoughts. Here are the few things that stuck out to me the most in the return to series…

Ranking the characters of The Magicians

The SyFy series The Magicians returns this Wednesday for its much anticipated season two and there’s a lot of rumblings that it’s even better than its impressive debut season. We were already won over but we’re even more excited to see our…

TV Review: Please Like Me Season 4

Don’t blame yourself if you managed to miss the debut of season four of Please Like Me on Hulu as it did so with little notice or fanfare. This in and of itself is a shame since Please Like Me has been one of…

The future is bleak in the latest trailer for The 100

Despite some infrequent highlights there was much to be disappointed about in season three of The 100. Finding themselves (deservedly) under fire after contributing to the “Bury Your Gays” trope which soon coincided with the death one of the main POC…

The Best 30 Episodes of Television in 2016

2016 has been shit. Decipher the why’s for yourselves, but there are plenty of them. Due to this-perhaps inspite of it-more and more we have turned to entertainment to keep the demons at bay and distract our mind with television…

2017 Golden Globe Nominations: The Biggest Surprises and Snubs

Awards season is in full swing with members and voters determining the best films of the year. It’s currently a countdown to the biggest night of—The Academy Awards. Studios are campaigning left and right for their pictures to noticed by…

TV Review: The Flash 3×08 “Invasion”

Welcome back to my weekly recaps of The Flash. To read previous coverage, go here.  Now that is what I would call a good crossover event episode. Firstly, to get the me of the matter over with, I apologize for…