The Magicians Season 4 Premiere Review: The SyFy series returns in top form

Great series that dabble in the fantasy genre are few and far in-between and when they manage to succeed (such as HBO juggernaut Game of Thrones) they tend to need to straddle the line between the fantastical (dragons!) and deep realism…

The Magicians: Quentin Coldwater’s a Hero Just Like Us

“My entire life, ever since I first read Fillory and Further, I’ve been waiting for some powerful being to come down and say ‘Quentin Coldwater, you are The One.’ Every book, every movie, it’s about one special guy. Chosen. In…

The Magicians Season Three Finale Review: Melancholy and character study dominate one of the years best

Television is so rarely everything you want it to be. Sure, there are great series and ones that on a technical level stand leagues about this little SyFy show that could, but few have the ability to target the heart…

The Magicians “All That Josh” had one of my favorite scenes of the series to date

It’s difficult to convey sincerity in a manner that feels rich and honest. With modern television (a lot of it at least), an earnest moment will often be cut down by a biting remark mere moments after. Sincerity is a…

The Magicians Review 3×08 “Six Short Stories About Magic”

Over the course of its three seasons, The Magicians have acquired a number of characters – both in leads and in small, yet crucial roles. As the show has evolved from knock off Harry Potter into its own, miraculously delightful and incomprehensibly absurd beast,…

The Magicians Review 3×05 “A Life in the Day”

Few genres and themes have been left unturned on The Magicians. From broad humor to tragic romance, musical numbers, bloody murder and epic duels and a general sense of ennui, we’ve seemingly seen it all within the confines of this little…

The Magicians Review 3×04 “Be the Penny”

Apologies for missing out on recounting the misadventures the characters went on in last weeks episode “The Losses of Magic”, for it was a delightful installment of the series. The big takeaway however, was Penny’s believed (pretty real) death that…