All hail the queen. The unthinkable has finally happened: Sandra, the legendary two-time Survivor winner has been voted out of Survivor: Game Changers. This was bound to happen one of these days. Her time may have been cut short on her third attempt, but she showed why she was deserving of the wins under her belt. If only more people played as ruthless, who knows what might happen in the future. It’s a sad moment to say goodbye to the queen.
It was a smart move by the new Nuku tribe to oust Sandra. She was on the bottom of the totem pole, she already had two wins, and she could easily manipulate people. She’s dangerous to keep around as she likes to cause evil, especially as evidenced with the recent J.T. Tribal Council. Luck wasn’t on her side – she picked the wrong buff. The only way she may have stayed is if they swapped the votes to Jeff or Tai. However, it didn’t look like anyone wanted to jump ship. Most weeks, an obvious Tribal Council might come across as lackluster and dull, but even right until the end, Sandra tried to fight and change minds to Tai. I give her kudos for this.

Speaking of the new Nuku tribe, I’m happy to see the producers have shaken things up and swapped tribes again. The Tavua tribe were clearly too powerful and would’ve steamrolled throughout the remaining portion of the game. Having it back to two tribes tightened up the votes even more. However, I’m crossing my fingers for a merge. Some of these new tribes are still intact from their previous groupings; they won’t be broken up unless they head to Tribal Council. I would like to see them head to the merge and start competing for individual immunity as those challenges are more intense and fun to watch.
Debbie heading to Exile Island and getting private lessons from Cochran was an interesting twist. The concept in general would’ve given someone needed advice that could propel them further in the game. Cochran is a strong player and he’s watched Survivor for many years to know the perfect advice to shift someone’s strategy. The problem, however, is that Debbie “won” this prize. I don’t think she’ll listen. She’s too overconfident with her strategy and thinks she’s making every shake in their shoes. It all went in one ear and out the other. I have a feeling Cochran’s advice will go to waste and she’ll be carried as the goat (i.e. the person brought to the end with no chance of winning). It’s sad, but true.
I would’ve chosen the extra vote as well. The choice of the three different powers granted to Debbie was easy enough to select. Having an extra vote is like a lifeline to protect yourself in the season and shift the scales to keep someone around. The advantage at the next challenge might not even help them win and the toolkit to create a hidden immunity idol would only work if someone believed the art piece. The extra vote was the best option. She made a good, and very smart, move to choose this prize.

The obstacle challenge looked grueling from the outside. As you’ve read from past reviews, I’m not the biggest fans of the mainstay obstacle challenges that end with puzzles. We’re on the 34th season of Survivor and I’ve seen so many that it would take a while to count. (I’m not being facetious; there are that many.) Though, I did enjoy watching this one. The team challenges will only last for a little while longer before the tribe merge. Better to get these out of the way before the individual endurance challenges kick in.
I think Tai better watch his back in the next few rounds. He’s painting a bigger target on his back after the little stunt at Tribal Council. He’s carrying a few hidden immunity idols and the others are onto him about how good he is at finding these. This is dangerous when people want to find their own.
At Mana, on the other hand, Brad’s new alliance with Troyzan and extended grouping with Sierra looks to be a strong one. I think it will help them in the next round – I have a feeling their tribe will lose and they’ll control the vote. Hali and Michaela need to worry because Brad could slowly start to control Survivor: Game Changers. That would be trouble for those not strong in physical challenges. I would hate for the next few weeks to become predictable. This is Survivor: Game Changers, after all. Keep the surprises coming!