Two weeks ago, I started watching Empire. After hearing almost everyone I knew talk about Fox’s new hit show that kept growing in ratings, I was intrigued. Now, that the two hour season finale is right around the corner and I’m fully invested in the characters and the story, here are some of my predictions about what will happen at the season finale tomorrow night. Spoilers below!
From the preview, we can deduce the following:
1. Cookie and Anika fight, but over what?

We can see they’re going at it, but the big question is how did both of them get in the same room in the first place? It can’t be Lucious (at least I hope) after both of them have been played by him.
2. Cookie tells the feds about Empire’s drug money
She did say “You’re going down”, my only guess is that the feds find out about Empire’s start up money through Cookie because she is seen taken away by someone to a car.

3. Anika tells everyone about Lucious’ ALS?
Since it’s all about Lucious going down, might as well get this one out the door with the whole IPO thing. By the way, those papers weren’t signed right? After the whole baby debacle last episode?
4. Jamal and shaky-camera boy Ryan finally get together
And I have a feeling that Lucious might catch them, and could this be the person Lucious punches in the face?
I hope it’s because of the shaky camera film Ryan is doing not because he’s Jamal’s boyfriend because good Lord I need to see a final product, at this rate that documentary is looking like the Blair Witch Project.
5. More importantly, who could be the victim of Lucious’ fist?
I say it’s Jamal, but deep in my heart I hope it isn’t him.
6. What if Hakeem gets a song with Snoop Dogg?

Or, what if he starts dating Rita Ora? Sign me up for either or. Where is Tiana anyway? Now that Camilla is out the picture, I hope Hakeem moves on.
7. Billy Beretti is back so…ultimate artist signing competition part II?
Can’t deny that it was fun to see both labels competing over artists, but I can’t help but think that in the real world it does not look anything like that. Either way, if Anika is back, so shall Billy and I guess that he is also on the Team Bring Lucious Down with some information we as an audience have no idea about.
8. Andre confronts Lucious
FINALLY because how dare a father leave his son in the moment he needs him the most? After Andre vouched for you with a false alibi? And pretty much helped build the company?
9. Don’t underestimate Rhonda
Even though she’s mostly quiet on the show and wants the best for Andre, I think she might want to take Lucious down too.
10. Where is Vernon anyway?
He was “back on that thing” LOL last episode so, I have a feeling he might be back again doing coke and possibly ruining an IPO meeting or something. Or probably expressing his feelings towards Lucious as it is. What if he tells about Bunkie?
11. Who is fighting on the balcony?
I hope nobody dies tbh.

12. Cookie gets it on with Malcolm and we don’t even care about Empire’s building security system
Because Cookie is EVERYTHING and deserves it all. And Lucious needs to learn a lesson or two.
13. Are we finally going to know which son is Lucious going to choose to take over Empire?
My bet is on Jamal, but could possibly be Hakeem because he has always been the favorite. Jamal would be a long shot if for some reason Lucious gets a change of heart (doubt it), and Andre would be the safest bet which I’m sure he won’t even consider given that he didn’t care enough to visit him or vote for him during the interim-CEO meeting because of the whole Vernon-Andre partnership. I think that by choosing Hakeem and having to deal with a new board and everything in Season 2, Hakeem might bump into some obstacles with his luxury filled lifestyle that could lead to, yes, Jamal taking over at some point.
14. There are a lot of side-eyes in this episode preview

Which can only mean that it’ll be a lot of drama for any of us to take and I am not ready, let’s hold hands and Tweet uncontrollably our feelings.
I’ll be live tweeting over at @TYFOfficial tomorrow night for the 2 hour season finale, join me and let’s talk Empire!
What are YOUR predictions for Empire’s Season finale? Leave your comments below