Sherlock: The Abominable Bride Get’s First Full Length Trailer

With filming of season four not beginning until Spring 2016, fans of the BBC series Sherlock have…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead (6×03) “Thank You”

Well that was a doozy of an episode, wasn’t it? As much as I would…

TV Review: Reign 3×03 “Extreme Measures”

Well that’s more like it! I enjoyed this week’s episode of Reign way more than last weeks, and I’m sure that has a lot to do with the lack of Queen Elizabeth and only minor mistep into the bizarro Bash storyline.

TV Review: Brooklyn Nine Nine (3×05) “Halloween III”

Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.” To catch up on…

TV Review: Survivor: Cambodia – Second Chance (31X05) “A Snake in the Grass”

Now THAT was a blindside! Survivor has a way of delivering jaw-dropping and shocking eliminations…

TV Review: Please Like Me (3×02) “Simple Carbohydrates”

What happens when Josh is the most well-adjusted character in the series? For the first…

Heroes Reborn Review: Game Over

I think it’s gotten to a point where I hate myself. I really do. It’s…