TV Review: Daredevil (1×05) “World on Fire”

Episode five is when I like to think that the show really hit its stride.…

TV Review: Fox’s Gotham (1×19) “Beasts of Prey”

Watching this all-new episode of Gotham felt like walking backwards. I say that because the…

TV Review: Game of Thrones (5×01) “The Wars to Come”

After a year of thinking about the eyeless Oberyn, cheering at Joffery’s death and watching…

TV Review: Outlander 1×10 – “By the Pricking of My Thumbs”

Last week’s midseason premiere was mostly clouded by the controversial spanking scene. By the end,…

TV Review: Silicon Valley (2×01) “Sand Hill Shuffle”

“Sand Hill Shuffle” is a relatively uneventful episode but two very big events set the…

TV Review: Once Upon a Time (4×18) “Heart of Gold”

This week’s episode did what Once Upon a Time seemingly hasn’t done for a long…

TV Review: Daredevil (1×04) “In the Blood”

The world of Daredevil is ever expanding, seen this week as we learn more about the…