TV Review: Girl Meets World 1×20-“Girl Meets First Date”

Cory Matthews opens the season finale of Girl Meets World by waxing poetic about springtime…

TV Review: The Flash (1×17) “Tricksters”

Sometimes I worry that The Flash is peaking in its first season. If it starts…

TV Review: Once Upon a Time (4×17) “Best Laid Plans”

This weeks episode of Once Upon a Time answers a lot of questions—both from fans…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead (5×16) “Conquer”

Looking back on previous seasons of The Walking Dead, I haven’t generally been a big…

TV Review: The Royals (1×03) “We Are Pictures, Or Mere Beasts”

The Situation: London’s Fashion Week Fashion Week: A.K.A., another week that makes everyone totally bonkers.…

TV Review: Shameless (5×11) “Drugs Actually”

I was left mildly alarmed and even a bit speechless at various moments of tonight’s…

TV Review: 12 Monkeys (1×10) “Divine Move”

The breaking of Cole and Ramse’s relationship was set in motion at the end of…