Valerie Zhang
137 Articles5 Comments

Valerie is sixteen. She attends a boarding school near Boston, where she writes, reads, and attempts to be a studious student. She's too lazy to write the rest of this bio, so follow her on Twitter @torquoiseworld because shameless self-promotion is alive and thriving!

Book Review: Thirty Sunsets by Christine Deriso

A recent pattern I’ve noticed with YA books is that the book summaries don’t help to describe the book. In other words, authors these days like to put in a lot of plot twists that detract from the book itself.…

Book Review: Wickedpedia by Chris Van Etten

Wickedpedia is wicked. Just pick your definition of wicked, and the statement will be true. Honestly though. Whatever interpretation you have of that first sentence, it’s true. For that reason, whether or not you’ll enjoy reading Wickedpedia is directly correlated…

Book Review: The Drowning by Rachel Ward

I typically do not read books about ghosts. Or as Goodreads puts it, a “dark psychodrama about love and brothers, crimes and consequences, redemption and revenge.” I’m much more interested in the contemporary romance genre. Don’t judge, okay? Now that…

Book Review: Curses and Smoke by Vicky Shecter

Let’s all be honest here. There’s something bewitching about historical tragedies- from Pompeii to the Titanic, “natural” disasters simply cannot be matched. I was initially reluctant to pick up Curses and Smoke, for I questioned whether or not Pompeii could…

Book Review: Adaptation by Malinda Lo

Adaptation is the first I’ve read of Malinda Lo’s books. In fact, before Adaptation, I had never even heard of the author. However, I now realize what Malinda Lo has done for the YA world. And I definitely regret not…

Interview with Andrea Pais, Up and Coming Singer- songwriter

If you haven’t yet heard of Andrea Pais, you’ve been missing out. Based in Washington, DC., this singer- songwriter has officially captured my ears and my heart. Having recently released her EP, Chasing Forever, there’s no way to deny yourself…

Book Review: The Swift Boys & Me by Kody Keplinger

Kody Keplinger is one of my favorite YA genres, so of course I had to read her middle-grade debut as well. In case this is the first time you heard of Kody Keplinger, she’s the young, fresh author A Midsummer’s…