Valerie Zhang
137 Articles5 Comments

Valerie is sixteen. She attends a boarding school near Boston, where she writes, reads, and attempts to be a studious student. She's too lazy to write the rest of this bio, so follow her on Twitter @torquoiseworld because shameless self-promotion is alive and thriving!

Album Review: Broken Twin’s “May”

If you’ve never heard of Broken Twin, now you have. To give you a quick debriefing, Broken Twin has a  Sara Bareilles reminiscent style. By that, I mean her songs seem simple for the most part: guitar, piano, and her…

Book Review: In the Shadows by Kiersten White

I have this major girl crush on Kiersten White. I mean, her novels are so witty, hilarious, well-written, and gorgeous. Ever since I first read Paranormalcy, I had this burning desire to just read more of her books. Except there…

Book Review: Free to Fall by Lauren Miller

Let me preface this review by first complaining about the YA world these days. Sorry but I have to complain about something! Dystopian fiction is today’s it genre when it comes to YA literature. Many dystopian and science fiction have…

Author Interview with Annie Cardi, author of The Chance You Won’t Return

You might have read my review of Annie Cardi’s The Chance You Won’t Return earlier. If not, that’s totally okay too. This interview with Annie is spoiler free and totally fun to read. Then again, my opinion isn’t the most accurate……

Book Review: Catch a Falling Star by Kim Culbertson

Call me crazy, but I love chick-lit. Okay, so maybe I write too many scathing reviews to love chick-lit, but I definitely have strong positive feelings for well-written chick-lit. Yup, that’s the accurate statement right there. Catch a Falling Star…

Book Review: Camelot Burning by Kathryn Rose

Oh. My. God. Kill me now. On second thought, don’t kill me just yet; I need to read Camelot Burning another million times! Typically, YA fantasy is not my cup of tea, yet Kathryn Rose managed to impress the critic…

Book Review: Gorgeous by Paul Rudnick

One sentence summary of it all? Gorgeous isn’t gorgeously written, and if it is, I couldn’t tell because the plot was just too confusing. Now begins the actual review… well actually, I have to summarize the story first… Contrary to…