Annie’s Book Review: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

I’ve never read a John Green book before this masterpiece of his, but even from…

2012 Primetime Emmy Awards Predictions & Winners

Welcoming the start of the new season for our favorite shows, the Primetime Emmy Awards…

Tyler’s Movie Review: End Of Watch

Found footage has reached of fever pitch of notoriety in Hollywood nowadays. Sure, the one…

Tyler’s Movie Review: The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Going into tonight’s screening of The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, I wasn’t expecting to get as…

Top DC Comics Super Villain Characters: Superman

In light of The Dark Knight Rises and Man of Steel coming out later next year, we decided to…

Book Review: Origin by Jessica Khoury

 Origin has been on my radar for a while now. As one of Fall 2012’s…

Gaby’s Movie Review: ’10 Years’

Whether you like it or not, 2012 has been Channing Tatum’s year. He surprised audiences…