Anna Axster “A Country Called Home” Interview

Anna Axster directed the Imogen Poots lead independent drama A Country Called Home. Seeped in melancholy with…

Exclusive: New ‘Allegiant’ TV Spot

We’re excited to be part of an exclusive reveal of a new TV spot for…

Movie Review: Zootopia

I didn’t quite know what to expect as I settled in for my screening of…

Harper Summer Tour: ASK ME HOW I GOT HERE

I’m so excited to be taking part in the Harper Summer 2016 Tour! There are…

Blog Tour: Burning Glass

Today I am very excited to be featuring a Q&A with Kathryn Purdie, the author…

TV Review: Broad City (3×03) “Game Over”

Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of Broad City. To catch up on…

Book Review: A Study in Charlotte

I’ve only become a real fan of the Sherlock Holmes universe in the past few…