Blog Tour: How to Be Brave by E. Katherine Kottaras

Today is the release day of How to Be Brave by E. Katherine Kottaras. How…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×06): The Bear and the Bow

Last night’s episode of Once Upon A Time went back to the former seasons’ formula…

TV Review: Supergirl (1×02) “Stronger Together”

The second episodes of new series are notoriously dicey affairs. There’s a lot to live…

Quantic Dream Announces Detroit: Become Human

David Cage of Quantic Dream had a very special announcement to close out Sony’s presentation…

TV Review: Ash vs Evil Dead 1×01, “El Jefe”

There is only one word that can aptly describe Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell’s latest…

Bloc Party releases ‘The Love Within’ track

The last time we heard some news about British indie rock band Bloc Party was…

Walt Disney Studios Releases Two Teaser Trailers for ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’

It’s time to go back, but not down a rabbit hole this time. On Sunday,…