TV Review: Gotham 2×05 “Scarification”

Scarification in many ways represents both progress and regression for Gotham. A great deal of…

Star Wars: The Force Awakens News: Full-Length Trailer Is Here

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been actively staying far away from any and all…

Movie Review – ‘Bone Tomahawk’

[Minor Spoilers Ahead] S. Craig Zahler’s Bone Tomahawk offers a glimpse of the direction American…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×04) ‘The Broken Kingdom’

Today’s episode was all about Arthur vs. Lancelot, and their various supporters – more notably…

Album Review: Demi Lovato’s ‘Confident (Deluxe Edition)’

Confident is the highly anticipated fifth LP released by this vocal powerhouse, and if the album doesn’t bring in the numbers expected, the albums high voltage tracks will surely put it on the map as Lovato’s strongest album to date.

Blog Tour: ‘Signs Point to Yes’ by Sandy Hall

Today is our stop on the ‘Signs Point to Yes’ blog tour, which is hosted…

TV Review: Brooklyn Nine Nine (3×04) “The Oolong Slayer”

Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.” To catch up on…