‘Toy Story 4’ Officially Slated for 2017 Release

Amid the flurry of recent announcements from Pixar and Marvel Cinematic Universe (both of which…

TV Review: The Legend of Korra (4×06) – “Battle of Zaofu”

Cool, contained logic faces off against festering, uninhibited emotion. It’s Kuvira and her army versus…

Movie Review: “Interstellar” Lights Up the Screen

Flora’s Letter was the name of the top-secret project Christopher Nolan was working on last…

Book Review: “If the Shoe Kills” by Lynn Cahoon

Before I begin, I must admit that I started this novel with a biased perspective.…

Ally’s Movie Review: The Heart Machine

The virtual relationship. Does a lack of space shared negate intimacy? Does intimacy require physical…

Jon’s Movie Review: “The Theory of Everything” Will Show You the Stars

To put a genius’ life into terms we can understand and possibly even relate to…

TV Review: Gracepoint (1×06) – “Episode Six”

There are very few episodes left, and while we’re consistently weeding out the characters who…