Slamdance 2018 Review: The Troubled Troubadour

It’s an image stolen, if not from one man’s dreams, then one man’s fevered hallucinations.…

Sundance 2018 Review: Hearts Beat Loud

Everyone knows Nick Offerman as the ultra-manly, wood-chopping Ron Swanson from Parks & Recreation. But…

Maze Runner: The Death Cure Movie Review – Probably Too Little, Definitely Too Late

Maze Runner: The Death Cure doesn’t necessarily aim for the heights of its first entry, an…

52FilmsbyWomen 2018: Everything, Everything [Column]

Film writer AJ Caulfield has taken the #52FilmsbyWomen pledge, where she will watch one movie…

Aladdin: On the Importance of Representation and Disney’s Struggles [Editors Note]

This editorial is a part of a new column at The Young Folks called “Editors…

Oscars 2018: Dunkirk & Blade Runner 2049 filmmakers react to nominations

The Oscar nominations, announced on Tuesday morning, gave movies fans all over the world something…

Sundance 2018 Review: I Think We’re Alone Now

I Think We’re Alone Now is a beautiful film. It hits all the apocalypse tropes, but…