Movie Review: Little Evil

Having found hilarious footing with the surprise gem Tucker and Dale Vs Evil, writer-director Eli…

The Layover: Movie Review

I don’t buy into the philosophy that only women should make movies about women or…

Movie Review: School Life

As we are reminded in far too many saccharine Hollywood tales like Stand and Deliver…

The Best Movie Moments of the Summer

We’ve spent a decent amount of time talking about this already, but the summer 2017…

Movie Review: IT

The strongest adaptations of Stephen King’s horror works are those that latch onto his most…

‘Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House’ Trailer

Oscar Season has officially begun, people! We’ve already seen a few promising contenders during the…

Colin Trevorrow Out As Star Wars: Episode IX Director

A galaxy far, far away has once again been shaken by behind the scenes drama.…