Colossal ‘Jurassic World’ News

The release of Jurassic World is less than a month away and we could not…

2015 New York City International Film Festival

There a number of festivals in the film industry that are dedicated to a certain…

The Film Canon: Batman Forever (1995)

As the world waits for the next big screen iteration of the caped crusader, let’s look back and see what happened the last time the pointy-eared mask changed hands between franchises.

Jon’s Movie Review – Always Watching: A Marble Hornets Story

When Marble Hornets, the YouTube serial, came on the scene, it was welcomed with open…

Gaby’s Movie Review: ‘Iris’ is good company

If I were to say that I can introduce you to a 90-year-old woman who…

Gaby’s Movie Review: ‘Pitch Perfect 2’ is a funny sequel that tries a little too hard

Pitch Perfect was a big surprise. In the middle of my fatigue of Glee-like productions,…

Jon’s Movie Review: “Good Kill” Identifies the Real Enemies

War and combat have made long strides since the days when it would take you a…