2015 Independent Film Festival Boston

The 2015 Independent Film Festival Boston is back in town between April 22nd and April 29th,…

‘Fantastic Four’ Reboot Releases New Trailer!

These past few days have been pretty exciting for all movie fans out there! First,…

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Trailer Hits the Web

After being leaked yesterday, it wasn’t surprising to see the trailer for the highly anticipated Batman…

Jon’s Movie Review: “True Story” Could Have Used Some Fiction

I have a deep, unabashed love for crime dramas. I’ve seen just about about every…

Ally’s Movie Review: The Road Within

Vincent (Robert Sheehan) was diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome at a young age, but it has…

Jon’s Movie Review: You’ll Want to Disconnect Everything After “Unfriended”

There are few things you should never mess with if you value your existence. Ouija…

Jon’s Movie Review: “Clouds of Sils Maria” Floats Above Itself

Oscar Wilde once said, “Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life”. I’ve never…