Weekend B.O.: A ‘Nightcrawler’ Fends Off a ‘Ouija’ Board

Box office estimates are in for the 2014 Halloween weekend, and the October movie season…

Jon’s Movie Review: “Nightcrawler” Will Chill You to the Core

If it bleeds, it leads. People my age and younger really only remember this kind…

Watch: Best Horror Heroes of Movies and Television

We talk about the monsters and villains of horror movies and television all the time,…

10 Great Gory Films to Watch

Horror is my favorite genre; there’s something about cheap jump scares, serial killers, and supernatural…

The Film Canon: Häxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages (1922)

In 1919, the Swedish film company Svensk Filmindustri invited a fresh young Danish director named…

11 Actresses Who Could Play Captain Marvel

Black Panther has been cast, Doctor Strange’s casting is destined to disappoint me, so all…

Evan’s Movie Review: ‘Horns’ Starring Daniel Radcliffe

I’m not entirely sure what this film wants to be. It has elements of humor,…