Gaby’s Movie Review: Vampire Academy

Note: I am a huge fan of the Vampire Academy book series. I went into…

Cat’s Movie Review: The LEGO Movie

What do you get when you decide to mix together the people who made 21…

Jon’s Movie Review: The Monuments Men

Unsung heroes exist throughout history, whose achievements not only merit notice, but in this case…

Oscar Buzz: Evan & Ally Talking Dallas Buyers Club & American Hustle

It’s week three of me and Evan’s countdown to the Oscars and this week we’re…

Fandango Awards Watch Giveaway

Take the Fandango Awards Ballot Challenge for your chance to win movie tickets and an A-list Hollywood…

Watch: ‘Maladies’ Trailer With James Franco

James Franco is known for portraying very peculiar characters in films. I don’t know about…

A Tribute to Philip Seymour Hoffman

The unexpected and sudden death of the uber talented Philip Seymour Hoffman completely floored us.…