The Copperhead is back to claim their next victim. After what seemed like weeks focusing on other side plots, “The Spellbound Juror” brought Nancy Drew back to its main mystery. No distractions, no side quests, and no side villains pulling focus from the Drew Crew. This case was all hands-on deck to push the main story further, and it’s one that brought every member together to play their part. It was great to have a return to form; it felt like Nancy Drew had forgotten about the main case since it slowly faded into the background.
Focusing on a trial was a great setting choice as it forced the Drew Crew to play parts and limited them for what they could do. Unless they were lawyers or on the jury, they couldn’t get involved. And it forced Nancy and the Drew Crew to think on their feet about what they could do next.
I loved Nick taking more of an active part during the investigation; he usually serves as support, but his place on the jury gave him the prime spot to question people. Nick got his time to shine; the same goes for Carson as he played up his lawyer position to try to win his case. Carson isn’t typically front and center—the storyline gave him an organic way to get involved in the case.

Did anyone else suspect Juror #2 as the Gettysburg descendant? “The Spellbound Juror” focused too hard on the other jury member (the influencer) to the point that it felt like a red-herring. Plus, the way Juror #2 dressed and interacted with Nick made it seem like he was going to play a bigger part in the episode. The Jury Foreman had appeared earlier in Nancy Drew Season 3 and served as comic relief, so she couldn’t have been the potential target either. By trial-and-error, Juror #2 was the obvious choice. I figured this out very early on during “The Spellbound Juror;” I wish that mystery had a bit more suspicion to it.
At least “The Spellbound Juror” came across as creepy. The inclusion of Copperhead elevated the horror tone of Nancy Drew and left us with an eerie feeling. Nancy hiding in the kitchen as Copperhead scratches his fingers against the metal shelves was easily one of the creepiest moments of the case. The scene could’ve been taken right out of a horror movie! Now we’ll have to wait and see if the Drew Crew can save their friend or if he’ll become the next victim. With Temperance needing the fragment, it’s more likely he’ll be killed to complete the ritual.
Speaking of Temperance, it’s interesting that Nancy Drew went in the direction of Charity not wanting her mother to resurrect her. The letter filled in a lot of gaps, like why the Women in White created the barrier that kept Temperance, so it was a needed exposition dump that pushed us forward. I just wished that the reveal was discussed more organically. Come on, a long-lost handwritten letter sitting in a satchel that talked about the case they just so happen to be working on now?! There is a coincidence and then there is simply lazy writing—way too convenient to push the plot forward.

In contrast to that, George’s development was handled quite nicely. Nancy Drew had set up the theme of George rediscovering herself and what she wanted to do in life after her engagement with Nick was put on hold. Law seemed like a good fit for her, and with Carson being one of the town’s resident lawyers, it’s a great way for her to gain experience. If she’s not ready to be a full lawyer, she’ll have plenty of opportunities to get involved in cases and connect to Carson’s storyline. She and Carson had great chemistry as a dynamic legal duo.
The big moment of “The Spellbound Juror” had to be when Ace FINALLY revealed to Nancy that he had feelings for her. I literally gasped! Bess tried to convince him, but he kept talking himself out of it. So, when he finally did it, it caught me by surprise … and Nancy too. She seemed genuinely taken aback and not sure how to react. Hopefully, she tells Ace that she has feelings for him because she does and the show can’t keep dragging on this plot for too long. Let this couple be together!
“The Spellbound Juror” was an enjoyable confined episode that showcased the positives of the Drew Crew working together. The main plot moved forward in a strong direction and big moments for the series as a whole came to fruition. This was a Nancy Drew episode that couldn’t be missed. But what will Nancy say? We need to know now.
Nancy Drew airs Fridays at 9 p.m. EST and streams the next day on