TV Review: ‘Scream’ (2×03) “Vacancy”

Audrey, You’re Making This Worse When we last left Audrey, she had found Jake’s dead…

Ten Underrated YA Books

I went on a publishing industry professional following spree back in 2013 after I finally…

TV Review: UnReal 2×02 “Insurgent”

This episode was all about power plays behind the scenes of Everlasting. The contestants and…

TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 1×03, “The Possibilities”

Three episodes in and Preacher is now in the position of showing us what episodes…

TV Review: Girl Meets World (3×03) “Girl Meets Jexica”

The opening of this week’s Girl Meets World was too good not to transcribe. Riley:…

TV Review: Casual (2×01) “Phase 3”

When we last left brother and sister Alex (Tommy Dewey) and Val (Michael Watkins), they…

TV Review: ‘Wynonna Earp’ (1×11) “Landslide”

Willa evokes all the emotions in this episode. Ever since her return last episode, everyone…