TV Review: Chelsea Does Season 1

Every documentary has that one topic that hooks you in immediately. Take into account fellow Netflix…

Movie Review: Naz & Maalik

Jumping aboard Richard Linklater’s Before Sunrise train of film-making, featuring lots of walking and talking romance and breezy aesthetics…

TV Review: Brooklyn Nine Nine (3×13) ”The Cruise”

Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.” To catch up on…

Movie Review: ‘Kung Fu Panda 3’

January has proven to be a historically bad month for films, but Kung Fu Panda 3 proves that it has more than enough fighting power to take on the challenge.

TV Review: Reign 3×010 “Bruises That Lie”

In an even more intense (and higher quality) episode than last week, Reign goes out with a whole of excitement before the winter break.

TV Review: Galavant 2×07-08

Galavant’s adventures continue with ‘Love and Death’ and ‘Do the D’DEW.’

Blog Tour: ‘Burning Midnight’ by Will McIntosh

For fans of The Maze Runner and The Fifth Wave, this debut YA novel from Hugo Award winner Will…