Book Review: ‘A School for Unusual Girls’ by Kathleen Baldwin

Because of A School for Unusual Girls, which is set in the Regency era, I…

TV Throwback Review: Party Down (1×06) “Taylor Stiltskin Sweet Sixteen”

Given that Whiplash was my favorite film of 2014, I was delighted when I pressed…

Jon’s Movie Review: ‘Turbo Kid’

The great thing about 80’s era films is that you didn’t need to be alive…

Movie Review: ‘Listening’

I want Khalil Sullins to make more movies. That may not be the most professional…

TV Review: The League Season 7 Premiere

The League has always been an uneven show. Its frequent shifts in quality are due…

TV Review: You’re the Worst (2×01) “Sweater People”

You’re the Worst was one of the best shows of 2014, and I only realized…