TV Throwback Review: Party Down (1×05) “Sin Say Shun Awards Afterparty”

“Sin Say Shun Awards Afterparty” is not one of my favorite episodes of Party Down.…

Directed By Women: Join the Event Going Until September 15th 2015

I’m as big of a feminist as I am a fan of films, both of…

TYF Picks: Best Films of the Decade (So Far…)

I have an epic scaled argument in me (that plenty have heard bits and pieces…

Movie Review: ‘A Walk in the Woods’

Travel writer Bill Bryson has it all: a distinguished career, a loving family, talk show…

Disney Channel Masterpiece Theater: ‘Gotta Kick It Up!’ (2002)

I am very pleased to kick-off a new series at The Young Folks…  Disney Channel…

Book Review: ‘Truest’ by Jackie Lea Sommers

Truest is one of those beautiful books that I enjoyed so much that it’s difficult for…

Movie Review: ‘We Are Your Friends’

As James Reed (Wes Bentley) proclaims to aspiring DJ Cole Carter (Zac Efron) early on…