Movie Review: ‘Professor Marston And The Wonder Women’

Earlier this year, Wonder Woman surprised audiences worldwide by becoming the DCEU’s first real hit. It’s only fitting that four months later we would get a biopic of her creator. Professor Marston and the Wonder Women follows a very unconventional…

Movie Review: Una

Adaptations from the stage to the screen are always tricky. No matter how solid a screenplay can be and while the use of film offers more ways to present its subjects, some elements in a play have trouble being translated…

My Little Pony: The Movie Review

Though my looks might deceive me, I’m not someone who can claim to hold a great deal of knowledge on the expansive mythos and lore of My Little Pony. The original series was before my time, and admittedly, my college…

Interview: Alexandre Philippe

To say documentarian Alexandre Philippe is a Hitchcock fan is an understatement. Idolizing the Master of Suspense since childhood, Philippe has translated that interest into an incisive documentary about a key facet of Hitchcock’s career, the shower scene in the…

The Best Science Fiction Films of the 21st Century

If you haven’t heard, the hotly anticipated Blade Runner: 2049 has hit theaters and has mildly obliterated minds. It’s one of those wonderful reminders of just how powerful good science fiction films can be, as something that is equal parts introspective, reflective…

Best Decades in Horror: The 1930’s

Throughout the month of October we’ll be looking at the best decades that the horror genre had to offer, and how they influenced future filmmakers and movie goers alike.  We remember the 1930s less for its films than for its…

Movie Review: The Square

The Square is a film about a social experiment which is, in its own odd way, itself a social experiment. Said experiment asks if a panel of Cannes jurists can overlook a film’s glaring structural problems, general listlessness, uneven tone,…