Movie Review: The Shape of Water

Director Guillermo del Toro builds his worlds from the ground up, imbuing his chosen universes with such distinct senses of self that we can’t help but buy immediately into the world he’s drawn. A man with a mind for the fantastical…

Movie Review: The Breadwinner is genuinely courageous filmmaking

The full scope of what The Breadwinner is doing doesn’t become clear until well into its second act. Its scope isn’t clear when our eleven-year-old hero, Parvana, is threatened by members of the Taliban for not covering up appropriately in…

First Trailer For ‘Incredibles 2’ Released

Everyone’s favorite superhero family will be back real soon. Disney and Pixar released the first official teaser trailer for Incredibles 2 today. Written and directed by original mastermind Brad Bird (Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, Tomorrowland), the highly-anticipated sequel to the Oscar-winning superhero romp…

Movie Review: Princess Cyd

Anyone who spends much time at the movies can become so accustomed to the Hollywood three-act structure that they don’t even notice how entries of all genres start to bleed together into a single, predictable blur. So, it’s indescribably refreshing…

Movie Review: Murder on the Orient Express

You’ll forgive Sir Kenneth Branagh for being a bit self-indulgent. The Irish thespian has made marks on the stage and on the screen, both in front of an audience and behind the camera. Whether it’s been in front or behind…

Movie Review: Novitiate

I imagine it will be hard for most people to talk about Novitiate without bringing themselves into the conversation. A movie that confronts one of the most prominent religions in American culture that people held close while fighting wars, facing…

Movie Review: Only the Brave

Has American heroism in film become a punchline as of late? Maybe it’s because audiences have been exposed to the cynical satire of Team America: World Police, Idiocracy and Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby that even the slightest…