Bad Girls Club: The rise of the female anti-hero

It feels so good being bad. That rush, that skin-tingling, heart-racing thrill you get when you know you’re engaging in some clandestine act. And getting away with it? Being celebrated for doing it? Having a group rallying around you, encouraging you?…

5 Steps to Binge-Watch Like A Pro

Binge-watching season is fast approaching, and now with the Thanksgiving Holiday break, we all have time to watch some of the series that everyone is talking about. I’m specifically talking to YOU, Jessica Jones. Is binge-watching a sport? A hobby?…

August Binge Watch: The Top 10 Shows You Should Be Watching

I know, I know, it’s only the end of July and I should probably wait to make this post, but before you know it, September will have crept up on us and slipped through the crack in the door and scared us into a blood curdling scream.

Well, sort of. So as it approaches quickly (Yes, September is only six weeks away), I figured it’s never too soon to break out the box set of “I never want to leave this bed, wait school starts in like a week, but I only have one season left???” shows to dive into before the alarm is blaring and you’re crying into some coffee.

67th Emmy Nomination Roundup

There’s an odd feeling of bittersweet “you win some, you lose some” about this years Emmy nominations. There’s a lot to love, and there’s a lot to be annoyed with. Personally, I always figured that despite its remarkable first season,…

TV Review: Orange Is the New Black (3×13) “Trust No Bitch”

As you’d naturally expect from a season finale, there’s a lot going on in this episode. It picks up exactly where the last episode left off, in the middle of movie night. The structure of this episode is the same as…

TV Review: Orange Is the New Black (3×12) “Don’t Make Me Come Back There”

In this episode, Daya finally goes into labor. While this happens, Daya wants her mother far away from her. Aleida is naturally sad that her own daughter doesn’t want to be near her, but she’s the one who pushed her…

TV Review: Orange Is the New Black (3×11) “We Can Be Heroes”

“We Can Be Heroes” is far from being my favorite episode of the season. However, I think it’s still a necessary one. Getting to see more about Joe Caputo’s past helps us to understand some of his actions. He truly…