Top 8 episodes of Empire so far

The drama, the hook-ups, the family itself, and all the music make up an addictive TV experience that garners about 11 million viewers each episode.

5 Irish Bands You Should Be Listening To

Ireland is a country that boasts an abundance of creative arts and is home to…

5 reasons we’re excited for season 5 of ‘Girls’

We have about a month to go until the fifth season of Girls premieres on…

The 100 Season 3: Our hopes for our favorite characters

The 100 is one of the best shows on television that no one is watching (unless…

5 cover songs better than the originals

Just the mere mention of the title may have some people steaming, quickly saying to…

Zooey Deschanel Filmography: 5 Best Roles

To some, it might come as a surprise that wide-eyed girl next door Zooey Deschanel…

Top 10 Disney cover songs

Disney is known for many things, its magical theme parks, heartbreaking plot twists and of course, killer…