This Guide Was Never Finished And I Am Much Ashamed. I blame Elsa’s sledding minigame.
Love, Evan 1/23/21
The end is near for your journey, or maybe it’s already passed and you’ve come back for more! After all, it’s hard to resist the power of the Ultima Weapon.
While it may not be that long sought after X(key)Blade, The Ultima Weapon is an unlockable keyblade that has stuck by Sora’s side through several entries in the Kingdom Hearts’ Seeker of Darkness saga and is always the most powerful single item he is capable of equipping in his arsenal with an impressive 13 points each of Strength and Defense in combat, as well as multiple combo and situational boost abilities.
Whether you’re a player that has already beaten the game like me and are jumping back in from a pre-end game save point, or you want to chip away at the requirements for it as you first play through the campaign, or really anywhere in between, we invite you to join us on the quest to synthesize this bad boy.
Items gathering and synthesizing after additional hours of combat, mini-games, and scavenger hunting will grant players the ability to generate the most powerful weapon available to Sora in the game.
The grinding process of gathering the materials to forge this weapon is quite familiar to most Kingdom Hearts fans, or really any fan of an RPG with an open world and customizable gear.
This is typically referred to as a grind, but in Kingdom Hearts there’s no cheating the system to get results quickly, just genuine hard work.
The recipe for the weapon itself is retrieved by collecting one each of the 58 total materials you can synthesize at the Moogle Shops found scattered across the worlds next to your save points.
Once the recipe is obtained, players will need to find 5 different materials in varying quantities and tasks.
UPDATE: we’ll be using this page as a place to log our findings of various challenges, synthesizing and Lucky Micky Mouse Emblem screenshots and details
2 Wellspring Crystals
Sanfransokyo Battlegate 12
2 Pulsing Crystals
Kill Satyrs and Battlegate 1 Olympus
A pulsing Crystal can also be made from it’s smaller brethren via the synthesis in the Moogle. If you have 2 to 3 each of the gems, shards, and stones you can fuse these materials into the crystals you need.
2 Lucid Crystals
Kill Chief Puffs in Kingdom of Corona
Kill Malachite Boleros in Kingdom of Corona
And now for the notoriously complicated elements needed for:
7 Oricalchum+
80 Lucky Emblems
Treasure Chest in The Caribbean
Entry to The Final World
Moogle Postcards in Twilight Town
Frozen Slider Minigame in Arendelle – Obtained after getting all 10 Treasures
Defeat the Omega Machine Gummiship in The Eclipse
All 7 Flantastic Seven Challenges
Here’s a breakdown of these items per world, as we find that there’s less grinding if you hunt down all these tasks by cycling back through the worlds individually.
Battlegate #1

The battle gate at the top of the town of Thebes, and in Zeus’ chambers in Realm of the Gods are great places to boost your statistics and find materials and present a fun challenge. In these locations, you can gather Pulsing Crystals, or related materials through combat.
Rewards you Cosmic Belt+, Secret Report 2
Flantastic 7 #1

Get ready for some very not fun shield sliding. You need to gather as many little flan boys as you can before the timer runs out along this obstacle course. You only need to make contact with enough of them to hit 10,000 points, but your main issue will be getting through those sets of stairs part-way down the map. Don’t ricochet off the walls too many times or lose forward momentum or you’ll lose the mini-game.
Lucky Hidden Mickey Emblems: Olympus
Don’t let the idea of randomly finding symbols to take pictures of discouraging you, as finding the mark of King Micky throughout the worlds is actually quite fun!
There are 4 symbols in the Thebes area, many of which are hidden in plain sight embossed into the walls. One is the first set of stairs on your way up the map, literally on the stairs, you have to see it from the correct angle or you’ll miss it!
There are 4 others you’ll find as you make your way up mount Olympus: one on the pantheon a few walls up beside the river, one in the very back of the river where the waterfall once covered it, another hiding at the peak beside the exit to Zeus’ statue: visible below as a rock formation you can see when you look down. Another is casually disguised as vines on one of the trees in the stormy heights of Mt Olympus.
Once you reach the realm of the Gods is where a couple get quite tricky. One is on the back wall of the golden room, another is hiding around the corner from the rails you can take up to the top of the tower.
There’s also a hidden forge room you can find by allowing yourself to fall down a stream that seems to drop off into an abyss. There’s a symbol on the anvil in the center of the room once you find it.
Another, on the bridge just ahead of the arena at the very top (where you’ll find Zeus) there’s a cloud formation in the shape of Micky’s head. Snap a picture from the right angle and you’re golden.
Kingdom of Corona
Battlegate #6

Rewards you with Air Cufflink, Secret Report 7
These two battle gates at the front of the map and in the wildflower clearing will net you plenty of XP and Lucid materials, either with Lucid Crystals, or materials to forge them with!
Flantastic 7 #2
This one is much more straightforward. Just take some pictures of these Flan boys having fun. The more dynamic the picture the more points you get? I think that’s how it works?
Lucky Hidden Micky Emblems: Kingdom of Corona
At the top of Rapunzel’s tower, you can see a formation of 3 rocks that kind of look like Micky. Take the photo from a proper angle up top, and you’re good.
In the dark woods, there’s some light being cast down onto a rock face in Micky’s likeness along the right wall.
In the mines up by the clearing, you’ll be able to see a Micky face embossed onto a barrel wedged into the mine shaft. You’ll have to clear the room of enemies first.
When you finally reach the castle town, there is an emblem right on the right side of the bridge entrance. Be careful, you might zip right past it without even noticing!
Upon entering the town, there’s an archway in the back of the market with an emblem on the left side.
Follow the street around the back and you’ll find one clearly imprinted on the large door.
Head out to the Wharf, and there’s one on the doorframe of the short tower on the waterfront, and one hiding at the top of the lighthouse where there are two boys hanging around. Also on the waterfront, nearby the stairs leading back up to the entrance, are three barrels conveniently stacked into Micky’s likeness.
Toy Box

Battlegate #4

Rewards players with Mega Elixer, Secret Report #4
Battlegate #5

You’ll need to take on several mechas, but you’ll need to fight for one of your own to survive! Enter prepared with Mana upgrades and potions!
Rewards you with Thunder Cufflink, Secret Report 5
Flantastic 7 #3

Lucky Hidden Mickey Emblems

In Andy’s room one Mickey is right in the middle of the bookshelf beside the door. Outside there are 3 emblems: one on the roof corner, and one in the form of leaves only visible properly by standing in front of the front door. Another is on the back bumper of the car across the street.
In Galaxy Toys is where you’ll find the most of the emblems. The first is immediately on the left when you enter, before even getting into the store. It’s some logos forming the shape on some boxes.
Inside, while clearing out some mechas, the stack of toys toward the back wall must be collapsed in battle to reveal the symbol hiding underneath on the floor. Towards the front, you can see Mickey’s likeness in some tape rolls behind the counter on the first floor.
From the save point in the first air vent, you can backtrack to find a symbol hiding on an outer wall of the ventilation shaft.
From the third floor you can clearly see the top of the white and red UFO hanging from the ceiling, and a Mickey symbol right on top. You’ll have to jump on for the picture.
In the Babies and Toddlers room, there’s 3 glistening disco balls that form Mickey’s likeness if you look from the correct angle.
On the third floor, there’s a robot. The last symbol is below his feet.
This article is in progress! To be continued the next time we stream! Follow TYF on Twitter and Instagram to see when we announce, follow our Twitch to get announced when we go live, and join our discord community!