Bri Lockhart
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Bri is a 25-year-old born and raised in the swamps of Jersey. Just kidding, she lives at least twenty minutes from those swamps. She’s a publishing professional that moonlights as a writer. She enjoys going to concerts (anything from Rooney to Springsteen to NKOTBSB), roadtripping, and complaining that she truly belongs in the 1950’s, the 1920′s, or the 1980′s depending on her mood. She definitely owns more books than she should and reads every chance she gets. If you stop hearing from her, it’s because the book piles have fallen over and smothered her to death in the night. You can contact her at Twitter: @bri_lockhart

WATCH: Teen Wolf Season 5 Teaser Trailer

The sneak peek of Teen Wolf’s fifth season premiered tonight during the MTV Movie Awards. The short sizzle reel features the new tagline “THE DOCTORS WILL SEE YOU NOW” along with a sneak peek at the new villains—some “doctors” intent…

TV Review: The Royals (1×04) “Sweet, Not Lasting”

The Situation: Charity Week The Royals separate this week to put in a little facetime with their (sort of) loyal subjects. With the exception of King Simon, that is. I don’t know where he went. Eleanor’s Week of Charitable Visits…

First Look: ‘Me and Earl and the Dying Girl’

The summer movie scene usually means blockbusters, action, and superheroes, but thanks to the popularity of young adult adaptations like The Fault in Our Stars and If I Stay, summer is also beginning to mean contemporary dramas. Based on Jesse…

TV Review: Girl Meets World 1×20-“Girl Meets First Date”

Cory Matthews opens the season finale of Girl Meets World by waxing poetic about springtime and love being in the air. His tune changes when he spots Riley and Lucas making eyes at each other. In fact, he blocks Lucas…

TV Review: The Royals (1×03) “We Are Pictures, Or Mere Beasts”

The Situation: London’s Fashion Week Fashion Week: A.K.A., another week that makes everyone totally bonkers. Eleanor and Helena plan rival fashion shows, while Simon attempts to bore Liam to death with various kingly duties. Introducing Nick Despite having ended things…

Who Should Re-Cover “Lady Marmalade”?

It’s a Friday night in my living room. Somehow blessed with an early 2000s video countdown, my two friends and I can barely hear it. We’re in the middle of a heated argument, the catalyst being the music video for…

TV Review: The Royals 1×02-“Infants of the Spring”

THE SITUATION: THE GARDEN PARTY “The battle for the monarchy starts today,” Helena states. The first attempt at returning to normalcy following the death of Prince Robert is a garden party celebrating the military, but is doubling as proof of…