Bri Lockhart
402 Articles0 Comments

Bri is a 25-year-old born and raised in the swamps of Jersey. Just kidding, she lives at least twenty minutes from those swamps. She’s a publishing professional that moonlights as a writer. She enjoys going to concerts (anything from Rooney to Springsteen to NKOTBSB), roadtripping, and complaining that she truly belongs in the 1950’s, the 1920′s, or the 1980′s depending on her mood. She definitely owns more books than she should and reads every chance she gets. If you stop hearing from her, it’s because the book piles have fallen over and smothered her to death in the night. You can contact her at Twitter: @bri_lockhart

Music News: The Wombats Release “Greek Tragedy”

I’ve been anticipating the follow-up to The Wombats’ This Modern Glitch for several years now—pretty much since the album came out in 2011. A spark of hope appeared in the form of “Your Body is a Weapon” in October 2013, a…

Album Review: American Beauty/American Psycho by Fall Out Boy

Back in February 2013, Fall Out Boy announced their return with a promise that they weren’t going away any time soon. Almost two years later, they’re continuing to keep their promise with their sixth studio album, American Beauty/American Psycho. Here’s…

TV Review: Girl Meets World 1×18 – “Girl Meets Master Plan”

It’s Maya’s fourteenth birthday and her mother forgot about it. She stops Riley from going out the window to confront Katy, distracting her with the friendship rings (a present from Riley) she just unwrapped. “I’ll never take this off until…

TV Review: Girl Meets World 1×17 – “Girl Meets Game Night”

“Family Game Night. My favorite night of the month! Me, my family, and my jammy pants,” Cory declares, opening this week’s episode of Girl Meets World and singing the song of twenty-something introverts everywhere. Lucas and Farkle buzz up to…

Watch: Fall Out Boy’s “American Beauty/American Psycho” Music Video

“I think I-I fell in love again/Maybe I just took too much cough medicine/I’m the best worst thing that hasn’t happened to you yet.” Thus begins the newest Fall Out Boy single. “American Beauty/American Psycho,” the third single from their…

TV Review: Girl Meets World 1×16 – “Girl Meets Home for the Holidays”

Christmas at the Apartment Matthews! It’s Topanga’s first time hosting, and she’s terrified about what Amy is going to think. “It’s going to be hideous,” Cory confirms. He doesn’t care—Shawn is coming! That’s right: the prodigal best friend returns! As…

TV Review: Girl Meets World 1×15 – “Girl Meets Brother”

“Another year we’re not going to be cheerleaders,” Riley laments as she and Maya meander across the subway platform, rocking appropriate outfits. “Why do you make me do these things? Pom poms are stupid, and pyramids made of humans freak…