New Games Release 10/21-24: Bayonetta 2, Civilization: Beyond Earth, Legend of Korra

Bayonetta 2 (Wii U) Platinum Games’ cult favorite Playstation title gets its sequel on the…

New Games Release 10/14/14: Boarderlands The Pre-Sequel, The Evil Within, Telltale’s Walking Dead

Boarderlands The Pre-Sequel People love Boarderlands so much, 2K Australia and Gearbox are giving fans…

New Games Release: 10/7/14 – Alien Isolation, Super Smash Bros., Shadow of Mordor

Alien Isolation Developer studio Creative Assembly picked up SEGA’s franchise based on Ridley Scott’s classic…

Not Only Gamers

This month of August has been one of the most frustrating in a long time…

Video Game Review: The Sims 4

Given the severe damage Electronic Arts withstood from Sim City, I could only hope–pray–that Electronic…

Video Game Review: Thoughts on Sims 4’s Create-A-Sim Demo

If you haven’t heard already, the fourth installment in the popular Sims franchise will be…

What We’ve Been Playing: 6/15/14

République République is a stealth survival horror video game for iOS (coming later this year…