Bri Lockhart
402 Articles0 Comments

Bri is a 25-year-old born and raised in the swamps of Jersey. Just kidding, she lives at least twenty minutes from those swamps. She’s a publishing professional that moonlights as a writer. She enjoys going to concerts (anything from Rooney to Springsteen to NKOTBSB), roadtripping, and complaining that she truly belongs in the 1950’s, the 1920′s, or the 1980′s depending on her mood. She definitely owns more books than she should and reads every chance she gets. If you stop hearing from her, it’s because the book piles have fallen over and smothered her to death in the night. You can contact her at Twitter: @bri_lockhart

TV Review: Girl Meets World 1×14 – “Girl Meets Friendship”

The return of Girl Meets World opens with a commercial by the Riley for Princess Committee. “A vote for me is a vote to live happily ever after!” Riley’s bright voice chimes. The princess theme for her campaign commercial is…

TV Review: Awkward. 4×21-“Sprang Break, Part Two”

Despite the recent upsets, Jenna’s committing herself to having a good time. As Matty and Gabby leave for a fishing trip with his biological dad, Jenna requests to meet him sometime. Gabby makes it clear that it’s not her place.…

TV Review: Awkward. 4×20-“Sprang Break, Part One”

Before they hit Rosarito, Ma Lacey and Jenna are pulled over by the police. Ma Lacey attempts some ill-fated flirting to get out of a ticket while Jenna checks her email. She starts screaming, causing the good officers to pull…

TV Review: Awkward. 4×19 – “Over the Hump”

Previously on Awkward.: Ma Lacey got into college, Jenna did not. Gabby and Jenna became friends, but since Drunk Matty kissed Jenna after his surprise party, that may be temporary. Spring break: quality time to wallow in self-pity, according to…

TV Review: Awkward. 4×18 – “Girl Rules”

It’s Matty’s birthday and Jenna decides she’s going to be a friend to him even though he has a girlfriend. That’s mighty big of you, J! Her single cupcake gift is shown up by Gabby’s tower of cupcakes, organized classmate…

TV Review: Awkward. 4×17 – “The New Sex Deal”

Previously on Awkward.: every single student who used or looked at the Dude Database received a message telling them that Jenna deleted it, thus linking her directly to the highly controversial drama factory. Palos Hills High School is now facing…

TV Review: Awkward. 4×16 – “Hashtag Drama”

Jenna has a clear guy slate—that is, if you don’t count her involvement with the wildly popular Dude Database. Matty questions her contribution, but Jenna balks. “#FabAbs? I’d like to think I’m more creative than that,” she says. Gabby makes…