Book Review: ‘Map to the Stars’ by Jen Malone

 The California dream was supposed to give seventeen-year-old Annie Shelton a fresh start, far removed…

Seven New Voices of the ‘Twilight’ Saga

The thirst is real when it comes to anything Twilight, but Twi-hards, have no fear,…

Lana Del Rey: What to Expect from the Third Album and Her Best Songs

Lana Del Rey delivers a haunting and dream-like new single off the new album of the same name. It seems that with anything new that Del Rey puts out into the world it gets even more compelling. “Honeymoon” reminds me of an even softer version of “Old Money,” released on “Ultraviolence,” but without the added climatic build. It’s eerie and altogether a dreamy feel, much like Lana’s latest releases.

Comic-Con 2015: ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Creates SDCC’s Greatest Fan Event

It seems like everything at Comic-Con was revolving around Lucasfilm’s presentation in Hall H. After…

Comic-Con 2015: Outlander Panel

For a heart-wrenching drama, it was nothing but fun at the panel for Starz’s hit…

TV Review: Teen Wolf (5×04) “Condition Terminal”

So much of this week’s episode of Teen Wolf, “Condition Terminal,” is frustratingly inconsequential. For the…

Comic-Con 2015: Game of Thrones

You would think that the Game of Thrones presentation would be a highlight at Comic-Con,…